Wednesday 1 February 2012

A Parisian Supper Club in London

News reaches me of a secret Parisian supper club in London.  It's all very hush-hush, held once a month in secret locations in private houses, and the schedule includes nights in both Paris and London.  To attend you need to contact the organisers with a bit of information about yourself, so that they can seat like-minded people together.

"Guests who have been lucky enough to take a seat  at New Friends Table know what makes it special - great food, of course, lovely wine, warm hospitality, our ability to choose guests and blend a mix of strangers, generosity of spirit and curiosity in the unknown. People are as important as food at the Table and we work hard to create a dynamic atmosphere and magical ambience. 
The guiding principle? Good, fresh and seasonal ingredients, prepared and cooked with enthusiasm, feeling and sometimes bravado, with a warm host, bringing together a group of strangers around a table, who all share an interest in food, travel and people.
We realise that although 1000’s of people visit Paris, many of them are looking for a taste of micro-Paris, a chance to sneak a peek behind the shutters of Parisien apartments and see how people really live in this romantic city.  We also know that many Parisiens love to meet fun minded  foreigners. 
In London we have created a clandestine fantasy dining room for adventurous eaters, right in the heart of one of the coolest streets of East London, hidden away from the crowds, lit by candles and hosted with the same hospitality and wit that has made us so popular in Paris.
We have fun bringing French produce to England and surprises such as English cheese to France."

When - Saturday 25th February

Where - Secret Location, revealed on booking.  Book here

Cost - A donation of £80 per person

Link 1 - New Friends' Table
Link 2 - Booking information
Link 3 - Sample Menu

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