Sunday 21 October 2012

Tavolone Presents 'His Majesty The Rabbit' Supper Club in Shoreditch

Tavolone, the supper club held at the ad agency Mother, is back with a new night, this time devoted to the rabbit.  It's always a great night, and very friendly, with everyone sat around one big table.

"Hello to the good people of London, are thrilled to announce the next pop up dinner at Mother. We would like invite all of you to join to an unforgettable, full immersion journey through extraordinary taste: Ladies and Gentelman, Boys and Girls, we present to you, His Majesty, The Rabbit.
Overlooked, ignored and most of the times set aside in favor of the aristocratic meats, the Rabbit is a delicious dish which demonstrates his exellence in a combination of succulent meat and delicate taste. Almost forgotten on menus of the day, the incredible rabbit has, since ancient times, brought sustanence to many an economically challenged table. Favoring taste and sustenance over gauche and cliched normalacy, Tavolone is proudly bringing the noble Rabbit back to the kitchen. We can't beat the crisis, but we can eat like Kings and feast like we have never done before.
We are congregating in the Main Hall of Mother at 7.00 pm with Aperol spritz to drink to the majestic Rabbit, before taking our places at the table for supper.
Book your seat here;
His majesty is back.
We hope you will be joining us too,
Giorgio, Christian, Hannah and the rest of the Tavolone Crew
The Menu
Bruschetta, olives and Rabbit kidney patè
Hare, homemade pappardelle with juniper sauce
Rabbit stuffed with seasonal herbs
Roast Potatoes, Winter Greens
Spiced apple and prune cake with cream"

When - 7th November

Where - Mother, Biscuit Building, 10 Redchurch Street, London E2 7DD UK

Cost - £40 + booking fee, from here  Readers of this site get a special 10% off, using the code 'Rabbit' when you book.

Link 1 - Tavolone
Link 2 - Booking page

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