Thai in a Pie is a great 'Ronseal' concept - and you can eat Thai in a Pie on Thursday 7th July 2016 at The Common E2 in Old Bethnal Green Road. Expect delights like Chicken Penaeng pies, Chiang Mai sausage rolls - it's Thai / British fusion, if you will. Go!
"The Common E2 are kicking off their summer popup series with East London-based pie-peddlers, Thai in a Pie. On Thursday July 7th, they'll be serving up a selection of Thai Pies, perfectly paired bevies and a 90’s pop playlist. Take in Bangkok from Bethnal Green in this summer Sriracha sizzler.
No need to book, just head down to The Common E2 from 6pm. If you need an excuse to get there early, the first 25 customers get their mitts on a free Singha!"
When - Thursday 7th July, from 6pm
Where - The Common Cafe, 53 Old Bethnal Green Road, E2 6QA

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